Nini Anteh Anu Ngajaga Bulan (2020)
Runner up for Festival Film Animasi 2020
Organized by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology
In a kingdom led by Prabu Pakuan, West Java, lived two childhood friends: Anteh and Princess Endahwarni. Anteh liked to weave fabric and promised to make a wedding dress for Endahwarni once she gets married.  

There came a handsome prince who wanted to marry the princess, but all he had was lust for beauty. He went and chased the beautiful Anteh until she was cornered in the middle of the night. Then the moon began to shine brightly and came a strong wind, flying Anteh and her woven dress to the moon. Since then, Anteh has disappeared from the kingdom.
Produced/Directed by: 
Amy Rahmadhita
Airien Ludin
Fauzhyana Shafira
Nabil Azizi
Yohanes Alfonsius

Narrated by: Silviana Aliana Madani

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